Letter sent home from school with important information for upcoming school year.
Back to School Night
Literacy Assessments
September / October
HAL (High Ability Learners) Screener Testing for ALL 1st graders, district-wide; those that pass the screener go on to complete the rest of the HAL testing.
HAL (High Ability Learners) Testing for 2nd-5th graders who are referred by a teacher or parent.
DLI (Dual Language Immersion) lottery sign up (for the following year) opens
HAL Testing for all 1st graders
6th Grade Registration due for Intermediate Schools for current 5th graders
1st Open House for potential ALP/HAR (Advanced Learning Program/High Ability Readers) students for following school year
DLI lottery signup closes
2nd Open House for potential ALP/HAR students for following school year
Families notified if they made the lottery for upcoming school year
Other families notified if they are on the waiting list