Young Doctors Program
Our school has been selected to partner with Rocky Vista University (RVU, the medical school in Ivins) to allow 5th grade students the opportunity to participate in a Young Doctors Program. This is an opportunity for up to 30 5th grade students from Diamond Valley Elementary to go to RVU on a school bus every other Friday for the spring semester (January – May). Each time they travel to RVU, our “Young Doctors” will be instructed on different parts of the human body by student doctors at RVU. On the alternate weeks that our DVES students don’t travel to RVU, they will have the opportunity to engage in an additional genius hour related to the medical field and become the expert on their own chosen topic. The students will then present their learning to the rest of the Young Doctors at DVES. At the culmination of this semester long project, the young doctors will graduate in their own white coat graduation ceremony that will be held at RVU; parents, grandparents, etc. will be invited to attend. This is a wonderful opportunity for the students in our school!